Monday, August 11, 2008

Just Bite the Bullet

Well Ethan sure is growing! I have discovered, after bouncing back and forth, now is the time. I am just going to have to bite the bullet and start Big E on formula. My original plan was to nurse him until I went back to work and then wean him down to the bottle and formula. SInce I got back to work in a couple of weeks, I have thought about starting, but totally didn't want to. He has been pretty fussy the past week or two and after talking it over with some of the moms I know, I have found that I cannot keep up with his eating habits. In other words, he eats like a pig...hence Big E. I went up to the hospital the other day to show him off and also talked with a few people up there about switching to formula. They were very encouraging and explained what they thought was the best way to try to wean from nursing. I procrastinated as long as I could and then on Saturday, Ethan was fussy again after a LONG feeding. I decided to try some formula. He sucked down 6oz. then (mind you that was about an hour after me nursing him) and then about an hour later he sucked another 4oz. down. That was over 10oz. in a 2-3 hour period! I felt so guilty that I wasn't feeding the poor kid enough and he was starving!

SO, long story short, starting him on formula from the breast isn't going to be difficult for him. I'm the one that is going to have a problem.

OH, Nick took super cute pics yesterday. Once he loads them on the computer, I'll post them.


Jen said...

Are you pumping at all too? I've known alot of ladies that have formula fed during the day and then nursed at night when they got home. The best of both worlds! Then you wouldn't have to give it up completely. I can't believe how big Ethan is!

mmmyers231 said...

He's so precious, Caroline. And he's such a happy little fella. I've really enjoyed having yall here in Auburn this weekend while Big Ron was in St. Louis visiting Auntie Debbie.

Lisa said...

I second the pump comment. I never got Joey to latch on at all, so all I could do was pump. It was nice to have it with Jackie too, because I got the occasional break. And don't feel guilty about not feeding him enough, your body produces as much as he needs.
You did great to give it a shot and keep it up for as long as you could, so don't be hard on yourself!

Anonymous said...

So...I'm really overwhelmed with all of this breast feeding stuff. I rented a pump from the hospital today. It sounds like it's alot harder than I'm expecting it to be. You make me feel better though...I'm gonna give it my best shot!
Ethan looks IDENTICAL to you by the way! Minus the brown hair.
I want to know more about this scheduling long did it take to get him on one? What was it? Is he still on a schedule? You seem very calm and relaxed about it all...I'm reading babywise for the second time...what do you think?