Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Does it count......I think so!

I forgot to mention this in the last post.

So, yesterday was a tough day with Ethan. The morning started out well until I noticed that he was a little more fussy than usual and ate about every two hours. Not only was I running out of milk, I also was getting worried. He would eat a bit, sleep for about an hour, poop (of course), and cry a cry we didn't recognize and it was super difficult to sooth him. It seemed as if the only way to sooth him was to rock him to sleep. So, I was talking to Nick about it, and thanks to my book, we think Ethan is going through another growth spurt. "What!" you ask...yep, we think is growing like a weed. My book also told me to continue swaddling him and play a CD of 'white noise'. I had no idea what white noise was either. It's soothing noises like a rainstorm, waves, night crickets, etc. So, last night when Nick got home I ran to Wal-Mart to buy a CD for Ethan to sleep to. Poor Nick was at home with Ethan and called me when I was on my way back. Ethan was having a fit and Nick had done everything he knew of to try to calm him down. Once again, an hour after his last feeding, the only thing to calm him down was to feed him. Anyway, later that night after another fit or two, we did our bedtime routine at about 11:30 and I was finally able put Ethan down for the night and pushed play on the CD player. The sound of calming waves began to play. (we could hear them through the monitor...they put us to sleep too ;) ) The next thing I knew it was about 4:25am and Ethan was trying to wake up. He grunted around and then cried for his next meal about 4:40 or so. So, the point of the blog, does sleeping from 11:30 until 4:25 count as sleeping through the night? Yep, in my book it does!!!!!

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