Saturday, September 6, 2008

Just like Nick....

Well it has been two weeks since I have returned to work. A sense of normalcy is setting in. We have developed a schedule and its going pretty good! We got very lucky the week I went back to work! Ethan began sleeping through the night! I am going to knock on wood too, just in case! He'll grunt around during the night, but I will just sneak up there and restart his CD of ocean waves and he will go right back to sleep. A few mornings this week, I have had to go up there and wake him up to get him ready for school and for breakfast. He is just like Nick too, when he wakes up...super grumpy at first. After he eats, we get him ready and we head off to start the day!

He has a good teacher at school. I have heard nothing but good things from the other moms in the hospital who have had her. She pays close attention to all the babies in the room and works well with the moms, especially us first time moms! There are only 5 babies in Ethan's class. He gets tummy time, floor play, bouncy chair time and swing time. When he gets bigger and is able to sit up, he will get bumpo chair time, and bouncy walker thing time. There have been many times where I have walked into the room and they have had music playing too! All those things are good activities for Ethan's development.

The first week of work/school went better than I anticipated. I was so busy at work that I didn't even have time to dwell on the fact that I had to leave my baby at a day care. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were the worst of last week and this week. I feel guilty b/c I feel like I am not spending enough time with Ethan. Tears did come to my eyes! But they quickly disappeared once I got to work and realized how much work I had to do that day.

I don't know about you, but I love to watch Ethan develop. Day by day and week by week, I notice some type of development. The most recent is hands opening and more control over legs and arms. He just swats at his toys in his wormie and kicks his legs. He is so cute! We play when we get home, but it doesn't feel like there is any time. I love the weekends even more now! Right now he is laying in his new exercise gym staring at a whale and his butterfly rattle looking thing. He is cooing up a storm and slobbers all the time. The funniest thing is when he is trying to whine...he'll start to smile and realize that he was whining so therefor have to stop smiling. We just laugh!

Nick and I are very blessed! He is such a good baby! He sleeps through the night, cries only when he needs something, very playful, smiles a ton, super cute and chunky (size 6 mo clothes!!!), and healthy! So Lucky!!!!

Just a side note, these developmental toys are super expensive. Have you ever realized that! I bought one of these new gym things and it so was not worth the money I paid for it. I thought it was going to be so stimulating, but not so much. We all need to be baby toy creators!

First AU football game. I think the pre-flash scared him. ;)

He was super tickled in this one...


Jen said...

Way to dress that boy in Auburn gear! You have to start them early so they know their who they are loyal too! On a side note, he is getting so big! I just love his hair!

Tabitha said...

Love the future Auburn Tiger pics!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!

Lisa said...

I am so glad that he started sleeping through the night when you had to go back to work. Jackie was a pill. She started sleeping through the night at 3 months, but then when she got RSV, that through her totally for a loop and she didn't sleep through the night again till around her first birthday!
Joey and Jackie both started preschool this week. Joey goes every day for three hours and Jackie goes 2 days. It really is so hard to let go, but I know I've got to get some stuff done.
I'm glad you're hangin in there.
Let us know if you ever come to Atlanta. We've got loads of room for visitors.