Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Growing, growing, growing....

We sure are growing up fast. Ethan's 7th, yes 7th, tooth is coming in. He has four on the bottom and his two front upper teeth. The newest tooth is his upper right one, right next to the front one. It just started to cut, so the tip is out. He is handling it like a champ. No rash, fever, tons of drooling and a little bit of fussiness. Nothing we can't handle though!
He is pulling up on everything! These days when I go pick him up in the mornings, he is standing at the end of the crib, holding onto the rail and jumping up and down. Most of the time he is whining for me to GET HIM OUT and as soon as I pick him up he starts talking and smiling. Its so funny!
He is getting good at walking. We are holding just one hand now while he walks. Its hard for him to catch his balance at times, but he is improving day by day. He can walk from side to side while holding on to something. I think they call that cruising the furniture?!
I think I start to plan what to do for his birthday. What do you think? Can you believe that he turns one year old in less than two months. HOLY COW!!!!

Aunt Polly and Uncle B playing with Ethan :D

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