Ethan had his 2 week check-up on Wednesday. Everything is looking good. I thought the MD was going to start his immunizations then, but they don't start until two months old. Holy cow, two months old...this kid is going to have outgrown his car seat by then. I say that b/c he is weighing in at 10lbs and 2oz!!! That means that he is back up to his birth weight, well passed it, a week early! Remember the doctor said that it could take 3 weeks or so for 10LBers to gain their weight back after birth. Clearly, Ethan showed her! Just think how big he is going to be by his next appt!!! Anyway, he is in good health! The jaundice has cleared up, he is eating and pooping very well, and often, and likes his tummy time. Oh, he has rolled over for the 2nd time on Wednesday! He rolls from tummy to back. I don't know if its on purpose or it just happens, but he did it! Big Man!!! As the MD said...He's showin off for us!!!
PS..If anyone knows how post more pics or links or things to this website, give me some tips. I can't figure some of this stuff out! Can I still blame it on the pregnancy?! I think I will!
it's nice to hear that some pediatrician's are adopting a more delayed vaccination schedule. I recommend using photobucket. It's especially good for folks who don't write html code, because they provide the code for you and all you do is copy and paste
Let us know whenever you update the website. I love seeing new photos. mom
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