Once again I have managed to go weeks without blogging. Sorry!
Ethan is doing well. We now have 5 teeth, but I am seeing the 6th and 7th tooth under the gums. He has three on the bottom and his two knobby teeth have poked through on the tops. He's so funny looking, but just as cute as a button! When he is laughing all you can see is the bottom of his top teeth. He loves to blow spit bubbles and air through them. Its so funny!
As far as mobility, we are working on that. Ethan is rolling all over the place. When he is sitting up, he leans forward and moves one leg back but the other one gets stuck. He hasn't figured out how to get that other foot back yet. He does a nice split though! :) As far as walking, we aren't too far from that either. He can walk with his wagon and with someone propping him up, but for sure not by himself. I think his little chunky legs are strong enough to do so though. We have to work on balance..hehe
We had a visit to the MD office yesterday. Ethan's allergies were acting up. I thought we had pink eye again, but it was just some bacteria built up. We got some good meds and he is doing much better now. Still a bit snotty nosed and congested, but in good spirits. He now weighs 27lbs! We have a well baby check up next week, some shots and another weight check.
Slowly getting back to sleeping through the night. I think its a mixture of teething and separation anxiety. My book (and neighbor) tells me that this is the time when it gets really bad. Plus, I was still rocking him to sleep and my book tells me that's a big no no b/c he has to learn how to soothe himself and this is the age he needs to start to learn. SO, now we get him ready for bed, I read to him just enough to watch his eyelids shut and then put him in his crib. He'll kick and scream but for only 10 minutes or so. After that he sleeps. Its worked twice so we will continue to try this. We'll see how it goes. Oh, and we are doing the Motrin and orajel too (thanks Somer).
Okay, I think that is all. Here are some updated pics....
Ethan has a mean mommy....I went to go pick him up from school one day and this is the outfit he was in. No, I didn't send him to school in this outfit. Apparently he tee tee'd all over his other outfit and this was the emergency outfit in his bag. Obviously, I had not update his emergency clothes in a while. Poor Ethan...

Uncle Matt Matt and Ethan during Big Ron's B'day


This is after Ethan's second hair cut

I'm glad he's sleeping better. I'll bet he's been miserable with all those tooffies cutting through. He looks like such a little boy!
Hey! I have been sooooo bad about posting on Nan's blog...I have a hard enough time updating Facebook and her scrapbook!
Ethan and Nan seem alot alike...nan is sitting up but just can't get that belly off the ground to crawl! Nan is also waking up at night. I've read that it's something that happens alot around 7-9 months. I, too, have her fall asleep on my chest. I guess that will have to end. And we have started putting her with us in the bed in the mornings on the weekends sometimes (something I said I'd never do). Ethan is looking like such a handsome little boy! Y'all thinking about another one yet?! Just kidding (sort of)! I hope y'all are doing well! Love, Searcy
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