This is my favorite time of year...Christmas. Now I can play that Martina McBride Christmas CD that has found residency in my CD player in the car for the past two years. I love Christmas!
But first came Thanksgiving. We had a really good Thanksgiving. The only bad thing was it was so short. I had to work on Friday, so that cut family time short. We went to Jasper on Thursday all day. Had a great visit with everyone! We discovered that Ethan LOVES to jump around! Malea and Dewayne had a "sit and go nowhere" station that bounced. Ethan discovered that and went to town. It was so funny! So now we have a jungle jumperoo in the den that Ethan bounces around in. He loves it. He just laughs and bounces for about 20 minutes and then he slowly fades off to nappy town. (That means he goes to sleep) When I was at work on Friday, I talked to Nick a time or two during the day. You could hear Ethan in the background growling and babbling and having a good ole time. Now that he has gotten over his sickness (thank the good Lord above that we made it through that) he just talks, growls, laughs, whines, etc. His personality is showing more and more.
We got to visit with Megan and Thomas the weekend before Thanksgiving. It was so good to see them! I miss you guys! I'm glad that they were able to stop on through. Funny Fact...Megan is going to kill me for this one....she sent me a text message the next day telling me her arm was sore from holding Ethan. Hehehehe.....Just had to throw that one in.
Ethan's development is moving right along! I can't believe that he is growing so fast! For someone who loves schedules (me) having an infant proves that schedules don't exist. Ethan is now eating cereal/fruit three times a day. We have had success with apples, pears and peaches. Because I have been mixing them in with cereals, his formula feedings have spread out and decreased. He loves to eat though! I think next we will try some veggies.
He is definitely teething. Nothing has cut the gums, but it is so funny to watch Ethan. No matter what he can get his hands on it goes straight into his mouth. When we have him bundled in a blanket or with a bib he stuffs half of it in his mouth. When we catch him doing that he stops, stares at us to see what our facial expressions are (we are laughing out loud) and then he laughs. Its so cute!
He has mastered the rolling from front to back, almost has back to front and almost has sitting up by himself. See the video/pics. He is a little tripod when he sits up. Then when he falls, he laughs. I think he likes the journey down to the floor.
Okay, I think that is all. Time for Christmas decorations and songs. I love this time of year!